Saturday, December 22, 2012

The funny guy always gets the girl.

Dear Brock, 

I know that you think you are right, and that the funny guy never gets the girl. 

And although you have some good reasons to why you think that. You are WRONG, so let me enlighten you. 

Every year, since I was probably 11 or 12, I would write a list of qualities that I wanted my Knight and shining armor to have, and through all my years of growing and maturing - my first two qualities have never changed. 

#1 RM, strong testimony, good person, close to the Lord.
#2. He has to have a GOOD sense of humor.

Now let me explain why...

My dad and my uncles are probably the funniest people I know.

They aren't the typical potato chip eating/ football watching bums. They are entertainers, and make the best jokes, dances and rhymes that I've ever seen or heard. 
They can make a boring reunion filled with laughter and jokes.  
And because of them, I have never forgotten why humor is such an important quality to me. 
I will never forget being at church and being able to hear my dads laughter from the opposite side of the building, and thinking " I hope I marry someone who is as fun as my dad." 

You know, I have come to realize, that although you may look like Thor, or have a body like Ryan Gosling or the talent like Michael Buble, if you aren't funny- then I don't want to date you. End of story. 

My thought is, Eventually, we are all gonna get old, and wrinkly and okay... somewhat ugly... 
But, personality and the ability to laugh will never die.

I'm pretty dang sure, that I can speak on the behalf of all my girlfriends when I say that Sexy=funny. 

Because their is nothing that is more sexy to me than the boy who can make me laugh till I have an 6 pack, or  the boy who will cross dress and make music videos with me, or who will do silly pranks with me till 1 am.  

So Brock, in my case you are completely and utterly wrong. Because, I will always date the funny guy over the ridiculously good-looking one. I can't speak for all girls, but for me and my friends- the funny one will always win. 

P.S Funny doesn't mean rude, crude, disgusting or condescending. None of those things are hilarious;  period. So if you think you're being funny by using any of those tactics- then think again. 

Until later. XOXO -A

Friday, November 30, 2012

Apologies for my gender.

In Taylors Swifts new Album "RED",  Taylor has an amazing new song called " Trouble " You can probably already guess  what this song is going to be talking about, but if you don't  have any idea; let me explain. This is the type of song that  I usually associate with ex boyfriends, Provo all-stars, and just the typical boy that has hurt me in some way. This song is dedicated to the boys who were trouble the moment they walked into my life, and the infidels who made  some sort of drama for me, or for  my friends. 
Let me be completely and utterly honest when I tell you that when  I listen to this song and scream the words "TROUBLE, TROUBLE, TROUBLE", I completely let my inner feminist out, and convince myself that all men suck. Today, however, I want to tell you that its not all boys fault( well, not all the time), ITS THE GIRLS FAULT TOO. 
 So today, I dedicate this post to my new friend Brock, and for his words of wisdom, and apologies - for his gender. Because of him, I wanted to publicly apologize for all of the stupid things that my gender has done, and continues to do daily. 

Here we go.

I want to apologize for the girls who have, and continue to blow off nice boys. The nice boys who plan meaningful, fun, good  dates - but then receive a text messaging 15 minutes prior to the date saying " I'm sorry, I'm sick,- I have to cancel" Or " They called me into work, sorry."  We all know its a lie, and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. 
 I apologize for the girls who text, act snooty, or flirt with other boys while on a date with YOU. 
 Or the ones who can't carry on a conversation about something more meaningful than retail therapy, celebrities, or their current obsession with eyelash extensions. 

I apologize for the girls who don't have ambition worth beans. The ones who have never had a job, nor will they ever have a job. The ones who don't  try to make themselves better, or gain any type of education, skill or meaning; or who play "dumb" because they think its cute. 

I apologize for the girls who only talk about themselves. About their hair, their clothes, their friends, their problems or better yet, their EX'S- and never talk about you. 
I apologize for the girls who don't say thank you. The ones who don't appreciate the boy who opens the door for them, who buys them dinner, gives them a sincere compliment, or who just listens. 

I apologize for the girls who expect you to take care of them. Who have no independence, and needs a dad more than a boyfriend. 

I apologize for the ladies who treat themselves like a slut, and who don't value themselves. The girls who take pictures of their body parts and send them to everyone, the girls who wear risque clothing on a daily basis and accepts the fact that she will never get anything better than a boy who has no education, passions, or value - because she doesn't believe she can get better.

I apologize for the CRAZY women out there. The ones who are insanely jealous, self righteous, demanding, bossy or who nag you to death, and make you feel like its all your FAULT( all the time).  

I apologize for the girls who don't say I'm sorry when they are  wrong. 

For the girls who make you feel un-masculine and who put you down with a sarcastic tone every time. 
Or for the girls who are simply unkind, rude, and tactless. 
For the girls who only want you for your money, good looks or anything else she finds valuable, and uses you like a piece of meat. 
The ones that break up with you over text, and hooks up with your friend/ or another boy just days after she broke your heart and shamelessly  puts it all over Facebook. 
And last but not least... 

I apologize for the girls who make it harder for you to be a good moral guy, a girl that tempts you to walk on the wild side, and teaches you to  treat religion like its a joke. I'm sorry for the girls who try to reel you in with Sex, and make light of families and morality.  The girls who don't know what it takes to be good, even if it hit them in the head with a stick. The ones who make you change... and I'm not talking about in a good way.

Boys, don't put up with this kind of behavior. In all reality, this is girl behavior not women behavior.  A good women wouldn't treat you that way. So aim higher, and I promise you'll find the Golden ticket to happiness. A good person who is respectful of you- your relationship- and her relationship with God. 

 Isn't that what you want? 

Until later... xoxo Amanda. :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm one happy girl. :)

"She had a lively playful disposition which delighted in anything ridiculous." ;)

I decided to change my blog name.

Let me tell you why..

I choose to be happy everyday.
This doesn't mean that I'm exempt from pain and sorrow and confusion. But, I try to live life knowing that everything happens for a reason. I have my agency, and I can decide how I want to feel everyday, and with that I choose to be JOYFUL, OPTIMISTIC, and just plain HAPPY.  I am so blessed.

With knowing that, I want to tell you some of the things that make me so happy.
Its the little things..
For instance, those lovely days when you wake up 20 minutes before class, and still make it on time. When you watch episode after episode of "I love Lucy" with your roommate and laugh till your stomach hurts. Those moments when you get excited to go to work, just because you know that you'll see that one person who makes you feel so good inside. The moments when you are stressed and overwhelmed but then you hear a song that brings pleasant memories and softens your heart.  My favorite things in life are those that are small. Small notes, a nice compliment and the a nice little treat or getting a good score on the test that you thought you failed. hahha.  Those things make life so beautiful. Going to a bookstore and staying there for hours.
Finding a quote that inspires you to be a better person.
Running into a old friend
Staying in bed and writing in your journal

There are so many little blessings that happen everyday. Once you start finding them, you'll find more - I promise.
- Till later. Amanda xoxo