Wednesday, May 30, 2012

awkward & awesome.

    • So I wanted to start off this most fantastic day by telling you the best awkward moments of the last few weeks. But, I also wanted you to know that my life isn't just awkward, its awesome as well. I hope you enjoy reading it, because well... I enjoy living my life. Even if its just a tad rediculous sometimes; but, hey, isn't that what makes life enjoyable?

      #1. I think this experience is the funniest of all and THE MOST AWKWARD for sure. So yes, please read on..
      There I was running on the treadmill in the most fancy of gyms in Southern California; I was all decked out in my little sports bra/tank top combo and bright running shorts when I saw a man awkwardly gazing at me. I tried to remain focused while I listened to my beyonce remix and then all of the sudden.. the awkward man gazing at me started talking, I politely took out  my ear phones and asked if he was talking to me- and that's when he started talking, and talking and talking about everything.
      I'm fine with people talking. Really, I love to talk. But when I'm getting my workout on, I just can't do it.
      Then that's when it gets super awkward. He continues  to tell me that his sex life with his wife is more than unsatisfactory -  and asks me about a whole bunch of horrific questions about Mormons and sex, and when I try to end the conversation he says (quite seriously) " If you ever wanna have a child, I would be willing to help you with it. You do look quite fertile, and there is that room in the back..." AWKWARD. 
      To say the least, I ran. Ran super fast and hoped to see him never again.

      #2. Working out with a trainer for the first time - and I almost passed out/ threw up on him while being super sweaty and disgusting. Oh, and did I mention that he trains Ryan Gosling? Winner status, Amanda. 

      #3. Fetching a super attractive man some Dr Pepper while  talking to him at the same time; and then all of the sudden my gum falls out of my mouth and lands in my hair; but guess who doesn't notice it for awhile? Me. I just keep flirting until I notice it and pull it out. Not only awkward, but super gross.

      #4. Working a long, long day and then noticing at the end of my shift I had a piece of chocolate smudged on my butt - but oh no, it didn't look like chocolate; it looked like poop. 9 hours of no one telling me this? Thanks guys, thanks. 

      5. Belting in my car - Diana Ross's " Can't hurry love" and then looking over to my left and seeing a boy makeout with his girlfriend in the car. Ahh, thanks for that. yuck.

      I have more, I really do. But, I want to show you that my life isn't just awkward. Its amazing too. Here ya go. 

      Ready. set, read! 

      1. Having a 4 year old call you and say " Amanda, are you coming home today? Cause, I miss you and I want you to come home." Little children melt my heart. 

      2. Meeting someone who will dance and act just as goofy as you do, and then laugh with you- not at you. :)

      3. Finish working 14 hours and realizing that you're not tired one bit. Who's hardcore now, huh?

      4. Hearing your little sister sing " He's climbing up your windows, he's snatching your people up. Trying to rape them cellulite, so you better hide your kids, hide your wives..." 
      Then telling her that cellulite is not used in that song, and that she has been singing it all wrong the whole time. he he.

      5. Getting off work early and then doing nothing for the rest of the night. Best feeling ever.

      Well that concludes my little stories. Hope you enjoyed until next time. 


Friday, May 11, 2012

Girl Code? Does it exist?

So, I've become fascinated with the term girl code. Is their such a thing? A few days ago, a few of my friends and I had a girls night. This girls night included food (of course) and talking about heartbreaks, lovers, and potential lovers and then of course makeup and hair and all of the stuff that makes us girls. blah blah blah. 
Well during our wonderful discussion we came upon a name. A boys name, of course. Woah, Nelly. The drama started up. This girl told us of this boy who dated her for 3 months- told her he loved her- wanted to marry her and when he got presented with a amazing chance to travel he took it. He didn't tell her, didn't say what was going to happen with them and left with no explanation.

Naturally, the girls heart was shattered.
As she was relaying this story, one of the other girls at the table  said " Oh. That sucks, I'm sorry. He told me that it just wasn't working out with you two- and that he just wasn't feeling it anymore." "Oh, and do you want me to say anything to him for you?"

Then all of the sudden Hell broke loose.. 

And it got really really awkward.

To say the least, the rest of the night was a tad uncomfortable.

Which made me ask my question  "Should girlfriends even talk to their girlfriends ex's? Should they be friends with them? " or is their a girl code that says no? What about dating them? Or... getting married to them? Ha ha. 
But seriously.

Boys have their Man Law, and though they are silly- they stick next to them like no other. For instance, If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off
limits forever unless you actually marry her. Or the one that says you can't talk to another man in the bathroom. But most importantly, boys don't date another boys's ex- especially if they were in love with that girl.

So the question still resides. What's appropriate? I need feedback. 

Until later. -Amanda.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

247 days later.

8 months, 247 days later. I am finally coming home.

The day is finally near, and I can't believe it. 

Honestly, its been one heck of a ride. Not always easy, not always fun, but its always been an adventure and its most definitely been one of the best learning experiences of my life. 

I wouldn't trade this experience for anything, and for the person I am today.

When I first came to Chicago, my immediate thought would be " I'm gonna live the highlife and date all of these Chicago boys, and work, and make tons of money and maybe convert a few people on the side." 

my expectations were a little high, to say the least. 

but that's not what happened. 

I didn't convert anyone, and I didn't date all of these amazing Chicago boys.. and heck, even while living in California, I didn't even meet one FAMOUS person. 

but you know what did happen?

I realized an important lesson..

The worth of souls is great in the sight of the Lord. 

I already knew this, and I have read it a million times, however, I didn't apply it until I got to Chicago.

To say the LEAST the Krause family was nothing like me. They partied- I didn't. They drank- I didn't.. and they have money- which I most definitely didn't have. Oh, and ya and I'm Mormon.Which also makes things things a little more weird and difficult.

And boy, they were so intimidating. Both beautiful, and successful.  I didn't know how to act around them, and I didn't know how they wanted me to act towards them.

So, maybe you can guess that life in the Krause house wasn't easy. I would complain, cry and VENT  to everyone, and be a total baby, no seriously a total cry baby! But then I had a little tiny light bulb go off in my head, a teeny tiny epiphany. But it made all the difference. I needed to change. not them. but me.

These were the two epiphany's that I had.
1. God loves all of his children, and he expects you to love people without trying to change them.
2. Change your perspective, work harder, and be patient.
ohhh.. and #3. PRAY.

I started seeing them in a different light. I started seeing my job as a challenge and not as a burden. I started seeing the Krauses as people who wanted the exact same things as me- Love, acceptance and kindness and understanding. It made all the difference. And after getting rehired for the next 4 months, I had a whole different love for the Krauses. Of course, we still had our differences and nothing really changed- but after I changed my perspective I started seeing them as a family- instead of just my employers.

I have had some of the most enriching conversations at their house, some of the greatest learning experiences  with them and some of the most tender heart to hearts. They are such beautiful people, and I will forever be grateful that I was able to get to know them and be a part of their family. 

I look at my last 8 months as such a blessing to my life. Not only did I learn to be a harder worker, better communicator, and more accepting. I realized that all people are so special -  regardless if their religious, non religious, extreme, or a little crazy. ;) People are beautiful.

 and remember... “A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.”
-Henry Kissinger