Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm one happy girl. :)

"She had a lively playful disposition which delighted in anything ridiculous." ;)

I decided to change my blog name.

Let me tell you why..

I choose to be happy everyday.
This doesn't mean that I'm exempt from pain and sorrow and confusion. But, I try to live life knowing that everything happens for a reason. I have my agency, and I can decide how I want to feel everyday, and with that I choose to be JOYFUL, OPTIMISTIC, and just plain HAPPY.  I am so blessed.

With knowing that, I want to tell you some of the things that make me so happy.
Its the little things..
For instance, those lovely days when you wake up 20 minutes before class, and still make it on time. When you watch episode after episode of "I love Lucy" with your roommate and laugh till your stomach hurts. Those moments when you get excited to go to work, just because you know that you'll see that one person who makes you feel so good inside. The moments when you are stressed and overwhelmed but then you hear a song that brings pleasant memories and softens your heart.  My favorite things in life are those that are small. Small notes, a nice compliment and the a nice little treat or getting a good score on the test that you thought you failed. hahha.  Those things make life so beautiful. Going to a bookstore and staying there for hours.
Finding a quote that inspires you to be a better person.
Running into a old friend
Staying in bed and writing in your journal

There are so many little blessings that happen everyday. Once you start finding them, you'll find more - I promise.
- Till later. Amanda xoxo