Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just awkward.

Hello lovelies! Some of the best moments of my life are awkward. Here are my most recent ones! :)

1. Trying to talk to people in the wave pool at Seven Peaks- 1. They were deaf, and I DO NOT sign. 2. Pretty sure I almost drowned while attempting to sign. #3. looking like a complete idiot.

2. Having a friend that looks better and better after days of not showering. I on the other hand look like bigfoot after 1 night of not showering.

3. Having your old boss ask you on a date, who's old, and weird. thanks.

4. Recognizing a person and trying to figure out how you know them. Conversation as follows. Me : " Do you go to Uvu? Random person : Nope. Me: Do you know so and so?? Random person. Nope. Me: Do you work at this place? Random person. Nope. Me: Oh, well I guess I don't know you then.. sorry...

5. Having someone sing you a song at work in front of many strangers. Romantic? I think not!

6. Having two prank phone calls while at work, and the first one asked me if I could deliver a tub of Salsa to his house, because he cant move, so that I could give him a sponge bath in it. Apparently its good skin purifier.No lie. This was a real  phone call. I get the creepiest people sometimes.

7. A family friend telling me that I look younger than my 16 year old sisters... Really people, I'm freakin 22!!!

8. Puking on my flight to Idaho, I will never ever eat a frosty and crispy chicken sandwich for as long as I live.

9. Walking into your hotel room and seeing a jersey on your bed, and having a panic attack realizing that someone broke into your room. Terrified, you walk out and realize that its was really not your room to begin with. Whoops.

10. Walking out to go swimming, you're in a towel and the person you walk past looks over at you and says " wow, looks like someones naked."   Nope, pretty sure I'm in a swimsuit, dufus; and Why on earth would you say that to me?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Power in people.

When I was about thirteen, I had the most marvelous idea.
hold up.
Okay, start over.
When I was thirteen, I thought I knew everything. I also made a plan of how I wanted my life to be.You see here, I was going to be very successful, rich, and smart. I wanted to own my own company at age 24, and show everyone who's boss. Best part of this senario, I was going to be SO logical. So logical and WISE. I honestly, didn't want people to know that I had emotions. Cause in my mind, people who were emotional were weak. I convinced myself, that I would never be weak.
But really, I just wanted them to be scared of me.
When I was thirteen I thought that was POWER.
Power was being respected, revered and admired. And respected people had no emotion, tears, or fears.

That was a great idea at the time because I had zero self esteem. I wanted power, because I had none. I was just this dorky little girl, who was skinny, and had braces and was pretty dang awkward. I wanted to have all of these talents because well I felt like I had none. And to this day, I will never forget what my dad told me when I cried to him about my lack of talents. You wanna know what he said to me? "Amanda you have talents, you can talk to people, you can make people feel important and loved, and wouldn't you say that is a greater talent?"  I still wasn't truly convinced, but he went on to tell me that the most wonderful people in the world are those that can make others feel good about themselves." If you can talk to people, and listen and make them feel important  you will accomplish a ton. Power isn't controlling people, or showing them you are emotionless. Real power, is showing people that you can relate to them, that you can love them, and that you'll be there for them. The best leaders in the world are the ones who showed love, not control.  

I'm old now. Not a little thirteen year old. Not the little girl who wanted to own her business, and wanted not to show emotion. At that moment I realized some important things, their is nothing better than being a good friend, a good sister, aunt, mother etc. People mean way more than a successful business, or how much money or fame you have. Being able to relate is such a blessing, and although it comes at a price, it is something that I would never trade.
Till this day, I am glad for who I am. I may not be the best singer, best piano player, or most athletic, but I have tons of friends, and my talent is people, and I would never change that. :)

Till later- A

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Romance, where did it go?

Hello lovelies. Today I have two things I wanna talk about!

Lauren Michelle Photography. She is amazing, She's cute, nice  and will take AMAZING pictures for you. Shes very reasonable, and so very very talented. So check her out, and even if you don't need pictures done, go like her page. Pleaseeee.. Heres the link! Lauren Michelle Photography  .... Also, Romance...

 " All I really, really want our love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too" - Joni Mitchell

Today I wanted to write something dear to my soul, and its called  romance. If you know me at all, you would know that I am quite the romantic person. I wear my emotions and my heart on my sleeve, and have daydreamed about love and romance since I was a little girl. Honestly, I can say that it pains me to know that I'm living in a world of absolutely zero romance. However, every once in a while  I come across a relationship that is so pure, so full of love and charity, that I can hardly contain my enthusiasm.

All I seem to hear about these days are  hookups. I hear about them on a daily basic, and when I talk to people about them, I see the pain in their  eyes; I see how they feel  invaluable or used, or how they were expecting a relationship out of a hookup and  when nothing happened, they were heartbroken.  Its awfully sad, and I cant help but feel compassion for these people who make bad decisions because all they want to be is loved.

The other day I heard a silly story about how a guy met his wife, He said  "I met my wife because we hooked up for a while and then we decided to be in relationship and later on we decided to get married".. Not only does this have " NO RESPECT, written all over it, but it also says " I kind of like you, but I'm  too lazy to take you on a date and pursue you, so instead, we'll hookup and then get married.. cause I guess I could marry you." 

This needs to STOP. Where is your self control, where is your respect? Wouldn't you most rather have a relationship that is based on mutual interest and understanding, instead of just sexual desires. I would hope so..

The world has made it seem okay that you don't need to respect someone to love them. I completely disagree, the best love stories are the ones in which the man would never make his wife or girlfriend do anything that would dishonor her name; respect was a  important factor in their relationship, and it would help keep their love lasting. I believe true love is not selfish, its not hurtful, or shameful.
 In my book, Love is   is caring and respectful, and anything other than that is lust. 

Pornography, music, and the movies deeply contribute to the way we view relationships, and people.  Friends with benefits have become such a social norm, and a lot of relationships these days now start because of our own selfish sexual desires.
A wise friend told me that any functional caring relationship starts out in 5 steps. 1. You know the person. 2. You trust the person. 3. You rely on the person. 4. You commit to the person. 5. appropriate physical touch.

I'm sick of hearing songs that are degrading, songs that make woman look like prostitutes, b****** or objects. I'm sick of ladies talking about men as a means to get what they want. I've heard both, and its disgusting. Raunchiness is not sexiness. Hookups will never be okay or romantic, and lust will never be love. That's just how it is.

I hope that anyone who views this will see how important relationships are, I hope they will take the time to make it romantic and beautiful, to make it caring and wonderful. Because, even though its more rare, I do believe that those relationships still exist.
I  myself, expect none the less in my relationships, and hopefully you will too.

Until later. - Amanda

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Speak your mind, fool.

"Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head.
Living out the same old moment.
Knowing you'd be better off instead.
If you could only... Say what you need to say."

 Can I just say that I've contemplated writing this particular post a few different times. I feel as if  I'm not sure what to say, or don't know exactly how to write it, but today, it seems that the words just seem to float on and I'm able to express myself easily.

I started this blog for a few different reasons. I started because 1)  I enjoy writing, 2) I like to get feedback and get different perspectives, and 3) I like saying whats on my mind. Although,  I'm not the most eloquent speaker, I do try to say what is on my mind, and in my heart - even if it is hard.
 I've learned time and time again, that its not about how you spell things, or how you say them. Whats most important is that you are speaking your mind.

To be completely honest, I've been in my handful of crummy relationships. I've been torn down, walked all over, and not respected. There have been plenty of times where I've held my tongue because I wanted to be nice, and not contentious. Well, let me tell you a secret, ok? You will go through your whole life being walked all over, torn down, and not respected if you don't say what you need to say.

A year and a half ago, I dated some very choice individuals. I'll briefly describe them to you.

#1 The " I"ll never tell you how I feel about you, because I like games" boy.
#2.  The degrading being who only talked about himself, and made fun of everyone around him- including me.
 and last #3. The boy who completely shattered my heart., for no reason at all.

I came to a point, where I realized that I was done being  treated poorly, and that all I needed to do was to say something. 
So I did, and  I probably took the boldest approach that I could- I called, I wrote a letter and I blatantly told one off face to face. At that moment, I also vowed to myself, that I would never get treated that way again.

Since then, I've moved to Chicago and California. Changed my degree to communication, and have three great jobs in which I love.

My relationships have improved, my bosses respect me and I have alot more opportunities than I used to, not to mention my self respect has soared to new heights.
Also, when dating I tell the person exactly how I expect to be treated and what I want, No mind games, no confusion, and no wasting my time - or his, for that matter.

Oh, and as for those three boys, One is married,  one is single- and probably will be for a long time( we don't speak, AT ALL.) and one wrote me a very sincere letter in which he apologized and said how sorry he was for his behavior. 

Hope this is a lesson to you, that great things come from speaking your mind. Sometimes they don't just appear, but in the long run, I can guarantee you will be alot happier with your life, because I  most definitely am. :)

Until later, Amanda. :)