Saturday, December 22, 2012

The funny guy always gets the girl.

Dear Brock, 

I know that you think you are right, and that the funny guy never gets the girl. 

And although you have some good reasons to why you think that. You are WRONG, so let me enlighten you. 

Every year, since I was probably 11 or 12, I would write a list of qualities that I wanted my Knight and shining armor to have, and through all my years of growing and maturing - my first two qualities have never changed. 

#1 RM, strong testimony, good person, close to the Lord.
#2. He has to have a GOOD sense of humor.

Now let me explain why...

My dad and my uncles are probably the funniest people I know.

They aren't the typical potato chip eating/ football watching bums. They are entertainers, and make the best jokes, dances and rhymes that I've ever seen or heard. 
They can make a boring reunion filled with laughter and jokes.  
And because of them, I have never forgotten why humor is such an important quality to me. 
I will never forget being at church and being able to hear my dads laughter from the opposite side of the building, and thinking " I hope I marry someone who is as fun as my dad." 

You know, I have come to realize, that although you may look like Thor, or have a body like Ryan Gosling or the talent like Michael Buble, if you aren't funny- then I don't want to date you. End of story. 

My thought is, Eventually, we are all gonna get old, and wrinkly and okay... somewhat ugly... 
But, personality and the ability to laugh will never die.

I'm pretty dang sure, that I can speak on the behalf of all my girlfriends when I say that Sexy=funny. 

Because their is nothing that is more sexy to me than the boy who can make me laugh till I have an 6 pack, or  the boy who will cross dress and make music videos with me, or who will do silly pranks with me till 1 am.  

So Brock, in my case you are completely and utterly wrong. Because, I will always date the funny guy over the ridiculously good-looking one. I can't speak for all girls, but for me and my friends- the funny one will always win. 

P.S Funny doesn't mean rude, crude, disgusting or condescending. None of those things are hilarious;  period. So if you think you're being funny by using any of those tactics- then think again. 

Until later. XOXO -A

Friday, November 30, 2012

Apologies for my gender.

In Taylors Swifts new Album "RED",  Taylor has an amazing new song called " Trouble " You can probably already guess  what this song is going to be talking about, but if you don't  have any idea; let me explain. This is the type of song that  I usually associate with ex boyfriends, Provo all-stars, and just the typical boy that has hurt me in some way. This song is dedicated to the boys who were trouble the moment they walked into my life, and the infidels who made  some sort of drama for me, or for  my friends. 
Let me be completely and utterly honest when I tell you that when  I listen to this song and scream the words "TROUBLE, TROUBLE, TROUBLE", I completely let my inner feminist out, and convince myself that all men suck. Today, however, I want to tell you that its not all boys fault( well, not all the time), ITS THE GIRLS FAULT TOO. 
 So today, I dedicate this post to my new friend Brock, and for his words of wisdom, and apologies - for his gender. Because of him, I wanted to publicly apologize for all of the stupid things that my gender has done, and continues to do daily. 

Here we go.

I want to apologize for the girls who have, and continue to blow off nice boys. The nice boys who plan meaningful, fun, good  dates - but then receive a text messaging 15 minutes prior to the date saying " I'm sorry, I'm sick,- I have to cancel" Or " They called me into work, sorry."  We all know its a lie, and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. 
 I apologize for the girls who text, act snooty, or flirt with other boys while on a date with YOU. 
 Or the ones who can't carry on a conversation about something more meaningful than retail therapy, celebrities, or their current obsession with eyelash extensions. 

I apologize for the girls who don't have ambition worth beans. The ones who have never had a job, nor will they ever have a job. The ones who don't  try to make themselves better, or gain any type of education, skill or meaning; or who play "dumb" because they think its cute. 

I apologize for the girls who only talk about themselves. About their hair, their clothes, their friends, their problems or better yet, their EX'S- and never talk about you. 
I apologize for the girls who don't say thank you. The ones who don't appreciate the boy who opens the door for them, who buys them dinner, gives them a sincere compliment, or who just listens. 

I apologize for the girls who expect you to take care of them. Who have no independence, and needs a dad more than a boyfriend. 

I apologize for the ladies who treat themselves like a slut, and who don't value themselves. The girls who take pictures of their body parts and send them to everyone, the girls who wear risque clothing on a daily basis and accepts the fact that she will never get anything better than a boy who has no education, passions, or value - because she doesn't believe she can get better.

I apologize for the CRAZY women out there. The ones who are insanely jealous, self righteous, demanding, bossy or who nag you to death, and make you feel like its all your FAULT( all the time).  

I apologize for the girls who don't say I'm sorry when they are  wrong. 

For the girls who make you feel un-masculine and who put you down with a sarcastic tone every time. 
Or for the girls who are simply unkind, rude, and tactless. 
For the girls who only want you for your money, good looks or anything else she finds valuable, and uses you like a piece of meat. 
The ones that break up with you over text, and hooks up with your friend/ or another boy just days after she broke your heart and shamelessly  puts it all over Facebook. 
And last but not least... 

I apologize for the girls who make it harder for you to be a good moral guy, a girl that tempts you to walk on the wild side, and teaches you to  treat religion like its a joke. I'm sorry for the girls who try to reel you in with Sex, and make light of families and morality.  The girls who don't know what it takes to be good, even if it hit them in the head with a stick. The ones who make you change... and I'm not talking about in a good way.

Boys, don't put up with this kind of behavior. In all reality, this is girl behavior not women behavior.  A good women wouldn't treat you that way. So aim higher, and I promise you'll find the Golden ticket to happiness. A good person who is respectful of you- your relationship- and her relationship with God. 

 Isn't that what you want? 

Until later... xoxo Amanda. :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm one happy girl. :)

"She had a lively playful disposition which delighted in anything ridiculous." ;)

I decided to change my blog name.

Let me tell you why..

I choose to be happy everyday.
This doesn't mean that I'm exempt from pain and sorrow and confusion. But, I try to live life knowing that everything happens for a reason. I have my agency, and I can decide how I want to feel everyday, and with that I choose to be JOYFUL, OPTIMISTIC, and just plain HAPPY.  I am so blessed.

With knowing that, I want to tell you some of the things that make me so happy.
Its the little things..
For instance, those lovely days when you wake up 20 minutes before class, and still make it on time. When you watch episode after episode of "I love Lucy" with your roommate and laugh till your stomach hurts. Those moments when you get excited to go to work, just because you know that you'll see that one person who makes you feel so good inside. The moments when you are stressed and overwhelmed but then you hear a song that brings pleasant memories and softens your heart.  My favorite things in life are those that are small. Small notes, a nice compliment and the a nice little treat or getting a good score on the test that you thought you failed. hahha.  Those things make life so beautiful. Going to a bookstore and staying there for hours.
Finding a quote that inspires you to be a better person.
Running into a old friend
Staying in bed and writing in your journal

There are so many little blessings that happen everyday. Once you start finding them, you'll find more - I promise.
- Till later. Amanda xoxo

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Got Friends?

Hello again! I know I haven't been writing alot lately, but I've had so many wonderful inspirations these last few days.  Of course I always get my inspiration while sitting in my car - driving to work, and then by the time I get to work, I forget all of my wonderful thoughts and inspirations; However, today is different. I remember everything that I wanted to say to all of you.

I want to give a shout out to all of my wonderful friends out there. 
I believe that every person you meet comes in to your life for a reason, I believe God is so aware of who comes into our lives, but its our agency on how we act towards that person, and what we learn from that them.

I know that I most definitely wouldn't be the same person if I hadn't moved to Elk Ridge, Utah 13 years ago, so thanks for you example. 

You know, I can't name all of my best friends, because I consider so many of you some of my best friends, but I want to take a moment and point out some of the things that I have learned from some of my very best friends..

Boys:  I have learned how you should talk, treat and respect a daughter of God. Because of you, I now know what I want in a future husband. Because of you I know that their are good guys out there, who love the Lord and treat others kindly and honor their Priesthood. I also know that if I called you because a boy broke my heart, or I had a flat tire- that you would come out and rescue me. You have no idea, the respect I have for you boys.  So thanks for always being so fantastic. I don't think you understand how much love I have for you boys. So thank you, thank you, thank you. :)

Ladies: Oh goodness. Let just  go down the list. Thank you for checking up on me, sending me scriptures every night, and reminding me that modest is the hottest. 
Even though at times I was annoyed  by your so called " judging ways", I don't know who I would be without them.  True friends care, and tell you when your not being your best self, and where you can most definitely  make improvements. True friends will always have your back, and pick you up when your low. I can't write down every little experience on my blog that my girls have helped me with, but know that most of them are noted in my journal- everything from holding my hair bag when I barfed on a plane to  just calling me to see if I got home safely.  I promise you, the little things make all the difference, and I'm so very grateful for all of you. So thank you lovelies. :)

My family has also been fantastic friends to me. They give me great scenarios, eat, cook and read scriptures with me. They are truly a light, and they make my life so much brighter because of their great influences. Family is forever, and I'm so glad I've got the greatest family around. Every unique personality makes my life that much more wonderful. I love them with all my heart. 

Remember, your friends are always watching what you say and how you act. The better you act and speak, the better friends you'll have- and the more people  you be able to influence for good. 
Your attitude can either be a light to others or make them feel more dark. So think twice on how you want to be remembered, because its not always easy to erase your bad first impression for a good one. 

Be a good friend to others. Life will be better, and I promise life will be easier. :) 

Until later. XOXO. -A

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just awkward.

Hello lovelies! Some of the best moments of my life are awkward. Here are my most recent ones! :)

1. Trying to talk to people in the wave pool at Seven Peaks- 1. They were deaf, and I DO NOT sign. 2. Pretty sure I almost drowned while attempting to sign. #3. looking like a complete idiot.

2. Having a friend that looks better and better after days of not showering. I on the other hand look like bigfoot after 1 night of not showering.

3. Having your old boss ask you on a date, who's old, and weird. thanks.

4. Recognizing a person and trying to figure out how you know them. Conversation as follows. Me : " Do you go to Uvu? Random person : Nope. Me: Do you know so and so?? Random person. Nope. Me: Do you work at this place? Random person. Nope. Me: Oh, well I guess I don't know you then.. sorry...

5. Having someone sing you a song at work in front of many strangers. Romantic? I think not!

6. Having two prank phone calls while at work, and the first one asked me if I could deliver a tub of Salsa to his house, because he cant move, so that I could give him a sponge bath in it. Apparently its good skin purifier.No lie. This was a real  phone call. I get the creepiest people sometimes.

7. A family friend telling me that I look younger than my 16 year old sisters... Really people, I'm freakin 22!!!

8. Puking on my flight to Idaho, I will never ever eat a frosty and crispy chicken sandwich for as long as I live.

9. Walking into your hotel room and seeing a jersey on your bed, and having a panic attack realizing that someone broke into your room. Terrified, you walk out and realize that its was really not your room to begin with. Whoops.

10. Walking out to go swimming, you're in a towel and the person you walk past looks over at you and says " wow, looks like someones naked."   Nope, pretty sure I'm in a swimsuit, dufus; and Why on earth would you say that to me?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Power in people.

When I was about thirteen, I had the most marvelous idea.
hold up.
Okay, start over.
When I was thirteen, I thought I knew everything. I also made a plan of how I wanted my life to be.You see here, I was going to be very successful, rich, and smart. I wanted to own my own company at age 24, and show everyone who's boss. Best part of this senario, I was going to be SO logical. So logical and WISE. I honestly, didn't want people to know that I had emotions. Cause in my mind, people who were emotional were weak. I convinced myself, that I would never be weak.
But really, I just wanted them to be scared of me.
When I was thirteen I thought that was POWER.
Power was being respected, revered and admired. And respected people had no emotion, tears, or fears.

That was a great idea at the time because I had zero self esteem. I wanted power, because I had none. I was just this dorky little girl, who was skinny, and had braces and was pretty dang awkward. I wanted to have all of these talents because well I felt like I had none. And to this day, I will never forget what my dad told me when I cried to him about my lack of talents. You wanna know what he said to me? "Amanda you have talents, you can talk to people, you can make people feel important and loved, and wouldn't you say that is a greater talent?"  I still wasn't truly convinced, but he went on to tell me that the most wonderful people in the world are those that can make others feel good about themselves." If you can talk to people, and listen and make them feel important  you will accomplish a ton. Power isn't controlling people, or showing them you are emotionless. Real power, is showing people that you can relate to them, that you can love them, and that you'll be there for them. The best leaders in the world are the ones who showed love, not control.  

I'm old now. Not a little thirteen year old. Not the little girl who wanted to own her business, and wanted not to show emotion. At that moment I realized some important things, their is nothing better than being a good friend, a good sister, aunt, mother etc. People mean way more than a successful business, or how much money or fame you have. Being able to relate is such a blessing, and although it comes at a price, it is something that I would never trade.
Till this day, I am glad for who I am. I may not be the best singer, best piano player, or most athletic, but I have tons of friends, and my talent is people, and I would never change that. :)

Till later- A

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Romance, where did it go?

Hello lovelies. Today I have two things I wanna talk about!

Lauren Michelle Photography. She is amazing, She's cute, nice  and will take AMAZING pictures for you. Shes very reasonable, and so very very talented. So check her out, and even if you don't need pictures done, go like her page. Pleaseeee.. Heres the link! Lauren Michelle Photography  .... Also, Romance...

 " All I really, really want our love to do is to bring out the best in me and in you too" - Joni Mitchell

Today I wanted to write something dear to my soul, and its called  romance. If you know me at all, you would know that I am quite the romantic person. I wear my emotions and my heart on my sleeve, and have daydreamed about love and romance since I was a little girl. Honestly, I can say that it pains me to know that I'm living in a world of absolutely zero romance. However, every once in a while  I come across a relationship that is so pure, so full of love and charity, that I can hardly contain my enthusiasm.

All I seem to hear about these days are  hookups. I hear about them on a daily basic, and when I talk to people about them, I see the pain in their  eyes; I see how they feel  invaluable or used, or how they were expecting a relationship out of a hookup and  when nothing happened, they were heartbroken.  Its awfully sad, and I cant help but feel compassion for these people who make bad decisions because all they want to be is loved.

The other day I heard a silly story about how a guy met his wife, He said  "I met my wife because we hooked up for a while and then we decided to be in relationship and later on we decided to get married".. Not only does this have " NO RESPECT, written all over it, but it also says " I kind of like you, but I'm  too lazy to take you on a date and pursue you, so instead, we'll hookup and then get married.. cause I guess I could marry you." 

This needs to STOP. Where is your self control, where is your respect? Wouldn't you most rather have a relationship that is based on mutual interest and understanding, instead of just sexual desires. I would hope so..

The world has made it seem okay that you don't need to respect someone to love them. I completely disagree, the best love stories are the ones in which the man would never make his wife or girlfriend do anything that would dishonor her name; respect was a  important factor in their relationship, and it would help keep their love lasting. I believe true love is not selfish, its not hurtful, or shameful.
 In my book, Love is   is caring and respectful, and anything other than that is lust. 

Pornography, music, and the movies deeply contribute to the way we view relationships, and people.  Friends with benefits have become such a social norm, and a lot of relationships these days now start because of our own selfish sexual desires.
A wise friend told me that any functional caring relationship starts out in 5 steps. 1. You know the person. 2. You trust the person. 3. You rely on the person. 4. You commit to the person. 5. appropriate physical touch.

I'm sick of hearing songs that are degrading, songs that make woman look like prostitutes, b****** or objects. I'm sick of ladies talking about men as a means to get what they want. I've heard both, and its disgusting. Raunchiness is not sexiness. Hookups will never be okay or romantic, and lust will never be love. That's just how it is.

I hope that anyone who views this will see how important relationships are, I hope they will take the time to make it romantic and beautiful, to make it caring and wonderful. Because, even though its more rare, I do believe that those relationships still exist.
I  myself, expect none the less in my relationships, and hopefully you will too.

Until later. - Amanda

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Speak your mind, fool.

"Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head.
Living out the same old moment.
Knowing you'd be better off instead.
If you could only... Say what you need to say."

 Can I just say that I've contemplated writing this particular post a few different times. I feel as if  I'm not sure what to say, or don't know exactly how to write it, but today, it seems that the words just seem to float on and I'm able to express myself easily.

I started this blog for a few different reasons. I started because 1)  I enjoy writing, 2) I like to get feedback and get different perspectives, and 3) I like saying whats on my mind. Although,  I'm not the most eloquent speaker, I do try to say what is on my mind, and in my heart - even if it is hard.
 I've learned time and time again, that its not about how you spell things, or how you say them. Whats most important is that you are speaking your mind.

To be completely honest, I've been in my handful of crummy relationships. I've been torn down, walked all over, and not respected. There have been plenty of times where I've held my tongue because I wanted to be nice, and not contentious. Well, let me tell you a secret, ok? You will go through your whole life being walked all over, torn down, and not respected if you don't say what you need to say.

A year and a half ago, I dated some very choice individuals. I'll briefly describe them to you.

#1 The " I"ll never tell you how I feel about you, because I like games" boy.
#2.  The degrading being who only talked about himself, and made fun of everyone around him- including me.
 and last #3. The boy who completely shattered my heart., for no reason at all.

I came to a point, where I realized that I was done being  treated poorly, and that all I needed to do was to say something. 
So I did, and  I probably took the boldest approach that I could- I called, I wrote a letter and I blatantly told one off face to face. At that moment, I also vowed to myself, that I would never get treated that way again.

Since then, I've moved to Chicago and California. Changed my degree to communication, and have three great jobs in which I love.

My relationships have improved, my bosses respect me and I have alot more opportunities than I used to, not to mention my self respect has soared to new heights.
Also, when dating I tell the person exactly how I expect to be treated and what I want, No mind games, no confusion, and no wasting my time - or his, for that matter.

Oh, and as for those three boys, One is married,  one is single- and probably will be for a long time( we don't speak, AT ALL.) and one wrote me a very sincere letter in which he apologized and said how sorry he was for his behavior. 

Hope this is a lesson to you, that great things come from speaking your mind. Sometimes they don't just appear, but in the long run, I can guarantee you will be alot happier with your life, because I  most definitely am. :)

Until later, Amanda. :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fashion Photoshoot!

Did this photo shoot with two of my favorite girls! Love them, and I loved how these pictures turned out! Thanks to Ellie Pruden and Hannah Wilcox!!! Such beauties! :) - Love A.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Modest is the hottest. :)

 Like I've said before, I love fashion! 
I think it all started when I was 7 or 8;  I was watching TV( Saved by the Bell) and I loved the bright clothes and bold patterns. At that very moment in time,  I decided that I was going to live in New York and design clothes and live the high life. I enthusiastically told my mom about my fabulous idea, and she told me that it would be a fun job, but so very unpractical.. 

Not only would a fashion designer be unpractical with being a mom-  but also because the fashion world is always changing and becoming more immodest. To me, its oh- so- sad that fashion has become so  promiscuous and trashy. 
I feel that you can look fashionable and be modest at the same time. To me, the way you dress really does affect how people see you. I don't care how fashionable your outfit is,  If  your skirt is just barely covering your booty and your ta ta's are falling out of your shirt; the message is quite the contrary of a lady. Sex appeal comes through so many different things than just clothes, so dress modest and let people see the real you. Audrey Hepburn was beautiful because she was a lady and had morals. Don't you want that respect for yourself? :)

“There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. - Audrey Hepburn.

Also, I love the church. Its amazing!! It keeps my chin up high, and keeps my morals strong. :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hiking: definition - to kick someones butt.

Today I died a little bit. I know- a bit dramatic. But seriously, I died just a little bit.
So let me break it down for you, okay? So not only  did I  get 3 hours of sleep the night before, but then my friends convinced me to go hiking. I thought it would be fun, like you know, maybe a mile or two. Easy smeasy, right? WRONG. Oh no, it couldn't be easy -it had to be a "kick your heiny all the way up the mountain" hike that was 6 miles  up and 6 miles down.Oh, and that wasn't even the worst part. Can I just tell you that it was sooo hot!! To give you a little description of my pain, let me describe it to you for a second.. That baby was so hot that I could feel the sweat running down my spine onto my legs and dripping into my shoes creating nasty foot sweat combined with sand, lots and lots of dirty grindy sand.. (sorry if that was too much info), but seriously.
 And let me just be real, if you haven't already guessed. I HATE HIKING. I love nature and yada yada yada.. but why do I need to hike up a steep mountains in 100 degree weather to enjoy nature? Thats right, I don't.  I can just enjoy nature in the privacy of my car- just  DRIVING - where its  air conditioned and cool without bugs. I know you're probably thinking right now, " She's such a pansy" and you're right, I am. Honestly though, I'm not here to pretend I'm a granola/mountain woman. I much rather be a fashionable, nyc model who makes tons of money
( Since that is going to happen, ya know. ) haha.
  So yes,  I'd rather be listening to JB and picking out a cute clothing combo ( with skill, might I add.) wearing a face mask and eating Cafe Rio then the dreaded hiking. Oh, and if you have a problem with that well... I don't care. Cause baby, you go hike that mountain. You conquer that beast, go ahead- I'll just be here sitting and enjoying myself watching your pain. :) Oh, and I'm kidding I promise. :)

Oh, and thanks to my friend Devin- I didn't have to do it alone - oh, and hey, at least I got some cute pictures out of it. It makes me look a little " hardcore". bahaha

Until next time. -Amanda :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fashion obsession.

Hehe ;) 
That's me! :) ( Pants from forever 21. Denim shirt- Target. Tank Charlotte Russe. 
Sarah Ann Alanis loves toothpaste! 
 Today is the day that I decided to start a fashion section to my blog.  I've always loved fashion, and since I'm going to fashion week in New York during the fall, I thought " Well why not post pictures of clothing. haha. :) Also, I'm always looking for people who have a eye for fashion who would possibly like to be on my blog! So write me on FB, or comment on my blog and I will consider you as a candidate. ;) And maybe then you'll be on my blog! Hope you like the random grocery store photoshoot. - Till later. -Amanda 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

awkward & awesome.

    • So I wanted to start off this most fantastic day by telling you the best awkward moments of the last few weeks. But, I also wanted you to know that my life isn't just awkward, its awesome as well. I hope you enjoy reading it, because well... I enjoy living my life. Even if its just a tad rediculous sometimes; but, hey, isn't that what makes life enjoyable?

      #1. I think this experience is the funniest of all and THE MOST AWKWARD for sure. So yes, please read on..
      There I was running on the treadmill in the most fancy of gyms in Southern California; I was all decked out in my little sports bra/tank top combo and bright running shorts when I saw a man awkwardly gazing at me. I tried to remain focused while I listened to my beyonce remix and then all of the sudden.. the awkward man gazing at me started talking, I politely took out  my ear phones and asked if he was talking to me- and that's when he started talking, and talking and talking about everything.
      I'm fine with people talking. Really, I love to talk. But when I'm getting my workout on, I just can't do it.
      Then that's when it gets super awkward. He continues  to tell me that his sex life with his wife is more than unsatisfactory -  and asks me about a whole bunch of horrific questions about Mormons and sex, and when I try to end the conversation he says (quite seriously) " If you ever wanna have a child, I would be willing to help you with it. You do look quite fertile, and there is that room in the back..." AWKWARD. 
      To say the least, I ran. Ran super fast and hoped to see him never again.

      #2. Working out with a trainer for the first time - and I almost passed out/ threw up on him while being super sweaty and disgusting. Oh, and did I mention that he trains Ryan Gosling? Winner status, Amanda. 

      #3. Fetching a super attractive man some Dr Pepper while  talking to him at the same time; and then all of the sudden my gum falls out of my mouth and lands in my hair; but guess who doesn't notice it for awhile? Me. I just keep flirting until I notice it and pull it out. Not only awkward, but super gross.

      #4. Working a long, long day and then noticing at the end of my shift I had a piece of chocolate smudged on my butt - but oh no, it didn't look like chocolate; it looked like poop. 9 hours of no one telling me this? Thanks guys, thanks. 

      5. Belting in my car - Diana Ross's " Can't hurry love" and then looking over to my left and seeing a boy makeout with his girlfriend in the car. Ahh, thanks for that. yuck.

      I have more, I really do. But, I want to show you that my life isn't just awkward. Its amazing too. Here ya go. 

      Ready. set, read! 

      1. Having a 4 year old call you and say " Amanda, are you coming home today? Cause, I miss you and I want you to come home." Little children melt my heart. 

      2. Meeting someone who will dance and act just as goofy as you do, and then laugh with you- not at you. :)

      3. Finish working 14 hours and realizing that you're not tired one bit. Who's hardcore now, huh?

      4. Hearing your little sister sing " He's climbing up your windows, he's snatching your people up. Trying to rape them cellulite, so you better hide your kids, hide your wives..." 
      Then telling her that cellulite is not used in that song, and that she has been singing it all wrong the whole time. he he.

      5. Getting off work early and then doing nothing for the rest of the night. Best feeling ever.

      Well that concludes my little stories. Hope you enjoyed until next time. 


Friday, May 11, 2012

Girl Code? Does it exist?

So, I've become fascinated with the term girl code. Is their such a thing? A few days ago, a few of my friends and I had a girls night. This girls night included food (of course) and talking about heartbreaks, lovers, and potential lovers and then of course makeup and hair and all of the stuff that makes us girls. blah blah blah. 
Well during our wonderful discussion we came upon a name. A boys name, of course. Woah, Nelly. The drama started up. This girl told us of this boy who dated her for 3 months- told her he loved her- wanted to marry her and when he got presented with a amazing chance to travel he took it. He didn't tell her, didn't say what was going to happen with them and left with no explanation.

Naturally, the girls heart was shattered.
As she was relaying this story, one of the other girls at the table  said " Oh. That sucks, I'm sorry. He told me that it just wasn't working out with you two- and that he just wasn't feeling it anymore." "Oh, and do you want me to say anything to him for you?"

Then all of the sudden Hell broke loose.. 

And it got really really awkward.

To say the least, the rest of the night was a tad uncomfortable.

Which made me ask my question  "Should girlfriends even talk to their girlfriends ex's? Should they be friends with them? " or is their a girl code that says no? What about dating them? Or... getting married to them? Ha ha. 
But seriously.

Boys have their Man Law, and though they are silly- they stick next to them like no other. For instance, If you've known a guy for more than 24 hours, his sister is off
limits forever unless you actually marry her. Or the one that says you can't talk to another man in the bathroom. But most importantly, boys don't date another boys's ex- especially if they were in love with that girl.

So the question still resides. What's appropriate? I need feedback. 

Until later. -Amanda.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

247 days later.

8 months, 247 days later. I am finally coming home.

The day is finally near, and I can't believe it. 

Honestly, its been one heck of a ride. Not always easy, not always fun, but its always been an adventure and its most definitely been one of the best learning experiences of my life. 

I wouldn't trade this experience for anything, and for the person I am today.

When I first came to Chicago, my immediate thought would be " I'm gonna live the highlife and date all of these Chicago boys, and work, and make tons of money and maybe convert a few people on the side." 

my expectations were a little high, to say the least. 

but that's not what happened. 

I didn't convert anyone, and I didn't date all of these amazing Chicago boys.. and heck, even while living in California, I didn't even meet one FAMOUS person. 

but you know what did happen?

I realized an important lesson..

The worth of souls is great in the sight of the Lord. 

I already knew this, and I have read it a million times, however, I didn't apply it until I got to Chicago.

To say the LEAST the Krause family was nothing like me. They partied- I didn't. They drank- I didn't.. and they have money- which I most definitely didn't have. Oh, and ya and I'm Mormon.Which also makes things things a little more weird and difficult.

And boy, they were so intimidating. Both beautiful, and successful.  I didn't know how to act around them, and I didn't know how they wanted me to act towards them.

So, maybe you can guess that life in the Krause house wasn't easy. I would complain, cry and VENT  to everyone, and be a total baby, no seriously a total cry baby! But then I had a little tiny light bulb go off in my head, a teeny tiny epiphany. But it made all the difference. I needed to change. not them. but me.

These were the two epiphany's that I had.
1. God loves all of his children, and he expects you to love people without trying to change them.
2. Change your perspective, work harder, and be patient.
ohhh.. and #3. PRAY.

I started seeing them in a different light. I started seeing my job as a challenge and not as a burden. I started seeing the Krauses as people who wanted the exact same things as me- Love, acceptance and kindness and understanding. It made all the difference. And after getting rehired for the next 4 months, I had a whole different love for the Krauses. Of course, we still had our differences and nothing really changed- but after I changed my perspective I started seeing them as a family- instead of just my employers.

I have had some of the most enriching conversations at their house, some of the greatest learning experiences  with them and some of the most tender heart to hearts. They are such beautiful people, and I will forever be grateful that I was able to get to know them and be a part of their family. 

I look at my last 8 months as such a blessing to my life. Not only did I learn to be a harder worker, better communicator, and more accepting. I realized that all people are so special -  regardless if their religious, non religious, extreme, or a little crazy. ;) People are beautiful.

 and remember... “A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.”
-Henry Kissinger

Friday, March 23, 2012

How to find a good guy. :)

Okay, Who's not familiar with the term douche bag/ jerk off/ pig/ tool?  
If you don’t know what any of those are, well then, let me enlighten you. They are ALL  the same, its an “egotist who disrespects others in an attempt to 'be cool' with the aim of generating love interests or elevating his social standing.”
 Basically it’s a person who doesn’t treat another with respect regarding relationships. This refers to both sexes of course, but today I wanted to dedicate this post to my wonderful girlfriends who seem to be meeting all the wrong guys. Hopefully this will help you distinguish a good guy from a tool, or what YOU need to be doing to find a good guy. :)

The look.

Thanks to Jersey Shore, When I think of the term " Tool" I always think of the classic look.
The ideal look includes a orange looking fake tan, dyed black spiky haired boy who is usually extremely muscular and typically wearing a two sizes two small Ed Hardy/ Hollister t-shirt. These guys are known for their classic pose which includes them in a mirror flexing their steroid infused bodies. You can usually spot them from far away because their head is about the size of air balloon getting bigger and bigger by the second because of the amount of time they spend in the mirror admiring themselves. 

Unfortunately, not all the guys are in the uniform listed above. Some might even look like the “good guys" and have you totally fooled. So that’s why I’m writing this article – its for those of you who don’t have “tool radar”, and might need a little help deciphering between good guys and the not so good guys.


I'm sure you've heard the classic excuses.

"We're breaking up because I'm going on a mission" - then he gets another girlfriend.
"It's because I really love you and I don't want to hurt you anymore"  - dating someone else but still comes back to you for a hook up.

I think we’re best as just friends- but wants you as a friend with benefits.

Makes excuses for his behavior such as – “She was coming on to me first”, or  “I can’t help it, I’m just a natural flirt.”  

Girls, don't excuses suck? Wouldn't you rather have good open communication? 1st things 1st - if he's feeding you stupid excuses, well then,  Your better off without him. You deserve to have someone own up to you and tell you the truth even if the truth does hurt.   
1. Don't let him make excuses for his bad behavior. Honesty is always the way to go.

Everyone needs to know the red flags. Red flags are just poor behavior that will eventually get you in trouble. In reality, if you have a bad feeling about someone or you feel like its a sketchy situation then maybe its a red flag.
Stop justifying bad behavior. Look at what he's doing wrong, and don't let him get away with it.

    "The Pig syndrome”, some of the classic red flag signals.

Loves attention
Can’t commit.
Stays connected through texting/ emails but doesn’t call.
Makes excuses for his poor behavior.
Incapable of understanding a woman’s feelings.
Doesn’t aspire to be in “long term” for the fear of missing out on something better.
Will work until he has you- then gives up because he won.
       Flatters you about your looks, but doesn’t care to know about your dreams, aspirations, or goals.
He wants you to show off your assets.
Makes sure that you know that he could get any girl he wanted too, but yet is still “dating“ you.
Plays on sympathy.
Doesn’t listen.
Is always talking about himself.
Only asks you on one “official” date, and every other outing is considered “hanging out”
Doesn’t introduce you to family or close friends.
Keeps the relationship a secret.
Can’t keep his eyes focused on you in public.
Doesn’t have the skills and courage to apologize and admit that he’s wrong.
Breaks up through text.
Treats people like inferiors.
Doesn't ever recognize his own problems. 
Ask you to sleep over- its always bad.
Takes things way way too fast!! Physically of course. 

It's disgusting, I know. So stay away. Please.. for the sake of your heart. 

Last thing, and most importantly.

Ladies, men aren’t always to blame. If you are complaining about the sort of guys you are attracting, then take a step back and look at yourself. How am I behaving? What do I wear? What do I say? Do I treat others with respect?

Quite honestly, Trash attracts trash- and if you act trashy you’ll find someone who acts the same way that you do. If you dress like a skank, then you’ll attract those boys who only want a skank. If you don’t stand up for yourself and say “ No, I will not be treated that way” then you’ll always be treated poorly. My dad always says to me “You TEACH people how to treat you.” If you want the best, then you demand it. Stand up for yourself, and be courageous. Ladies, I don’t  think you understand how much influence you have over men. For good or bad. So start using it for good, and changing how men view you. That’s it.
                       Let this be your motto.

"I’m not single and I’m not taken. I’m simply on reserve for the one who deserves my heart because they say good things take time."

Hope this helps. xoxo. Amanda

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


    • Who wants to hear a story?

      C'mon..I know you all do. I mean, who doesn't want to hear a crazy story about a failed attempt at a relationship and a silly boy who will never get married?
      yes, it is one of those stories, and Its a fun story to tell.

      First I want to give props to my girl Sheii. She was the one to tell me that I should never judge a boy based on his resume,-however, I didn't listen and I had to learn the hard way.

      This is my story.

      Let me just give you a heads up. I'm not going to name his name, even though I would love to have a Taylor Swift moment and give a tell all. But I won't do that, so just so you know- Ben Lawson is a fake name. 2nd, to all of those who know this person, I do not hate him at all. I'm merely grateful for him, and for the lesson that I learned because of him. So thank you for teaching me a lesson I'll never forget.

      So hear you go. #14. " Don't judge a boy buy his resume."

      It all started when I moved to Chicago. I had broken off my previous relationship and was ready for a "challenge"-whatever that means.
       I was sick of the " Utah boy" and thought that the "Chicago boy" would be so much more distinguished and classy than the Utah boys that I had dated.

      But of course, the only ones that I met were extremely attractive  boys and graduates from BYU.


      2nd day in Chicago. I met this boy. He was cute, and nice. I was easily impressed, and as I got to know him I started checking off my list of 
       "Qualities I want in my future husband." 
      The list included: 
      good looking, 
      ripped abs, (hahah just kidding) 
      older (like late 20's) 
      spoke Italian, 
      hard worker. 
      Likes Chick flicks - His favorite?  Pride and Prejudice. My favorite. :)

      (okay, stop judging.) 

      To me he had it all. 
      And to be be perfectly honest, the boy even had the General Authorities and The Proclamation to the Family on his wall - such a catch. Well, at least I thought so.

      Problem was.. His lack of dating skills.

      Date #1. Dinner, hot tub, massages. ( I promise, it wasn't dirty) 
      Date #2. Oh, actually that didn't happen.
      Date #3. ya, didn't happen either.

      actually, we didn't go on any more dates. But yet, I still was enthralled by the fact that he met all of my qualifications.

      What ended up happening  was the usual 11:00pm calls on Tuesday and Thursday( sketchy), the awkward hugs and conversations at church, and the random weekend movie and snuggle sessions( oh, and did I mention that he never once walked me down to get a cab or called me to make sure that I got home safe?) Pathetic? I know.
      Of course that should have  been a HUGE red flag to me, but I was listening too closely to the pitter patter of my little heart than the logic in my brain. 

      So,I gave it 3 months ( I wanted to practice my patience.) nothing happened. Still no answers, no commitment, no real dates even. nothing. It got old, and then I knew " Amanda, he's just not that into you."

      All I could think about was how annoyed I was, and how I only wanted to listen to Beyonce's " Who run the world? (GIRLS)" and eat my chocolate.  And when I finally told a friend about the 
      situation; she confessed to being treated the same way by the same exact boy, and she also knew of girls who he had done the same thing to as well.
      Being Furious with the idea of being played,  I decided to think of plots of revenge, for instance - hitting him in the face with a pie or putting laxatives in some brownies to give to him. (none of which I did, I just liked the idea of revenge.)
      But on top of that, he already had a name. People called him the "Ben Lawson experience."  
      I also came to find out that he was flying girls out from their town to come visit him in Chicago so they could partake of the  
      " Ben Lawson Experience".
      Naturally, I decided to stand up for myself and tell him what I thought.
      He denied the whole idea of it( of course) and tried to convince me that he would never do such a thing and that I was beautiful, and one of a kind  and would never do that to a daughters of God.( Boy, he was cheesy)

      To make a long story short,  I gave him a piece of my mind. Ran into him 2 weeks later while in Utah, and then found out he was also dating my Visiting teaching companion the same time as he was dating me.

      So I learned. I will never, ever, ever base a boy off of his impressive resume. 

      I also will recognize when a boy is just not that into you. 

      Good thing I learned this lesson while I was young. jeesh. hahah
  • The End.